Enterprise Risk Management solutions

Modern businesses must address a vast array of risks: global health, technological and digital disruption, political instability and change, macro-economic headwinds and not least the impact of climate change. 

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Evelyn Partners Professional Services, soon to be S&W

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The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated that even smaller businesses must consider measured and calculated responses to global risks and their potential impact. Effective enterprise risk management (ERM) is an integral part of good governance and should be seen as part of the bedrock of all successful organisations. If this goes wrong the ramifications can be deeply damaging. Where you get it right, you can become more efficient, more effective and better at delivering what your customers want.

Ratings agencies, listing exchanges and regulators around the world expect management teams to identify, assess and be prudent in responding to risks. Each of these bodies also increasingly expects the board of directors to share in management’s responsibility for assessing and managing risk, including publishing a risk management strategy in annual reports.

How can we help?

Whether you are a large or mid-market organisation, we can help you by designing and implementing an enterprise risk management solution that is tailored to your specific needs. This will help enhance and improve processes for managing strategic, operational, financial, regulatory and compliance risk. And, unlike many systematised approaches on offer, it will not increase bureaucracy.