Investment management
Benefit from a personalised investment portfolio that takes into account your investment time horizon, attitude to risk and the returns you require.
How we can help with investment management
Meeting your investment objectives
Our focus is on preserving and growing your wealth to give you financial security both now and in the future. Whether the money you're wanting to invest has come from your income, an inheritance or the sale of your business, we appreciate that each of our clients has different needs, aspirations and time horizons so the service you’ll receive from Evelyn Partners is as individual as you are.
Through our discretionary investment management service, you can choose to delegate responsibility for managing your investments to Evelyn Partners, giving you peace of mind that your investments are in expert hands. Your investment manager will build a bespoke, diversified portfolio for you and then manage it on a day-to-day basis in line with your wishes.
If you would prefer more involvement with investment decisions, one of our experienced investment managers can provide investment advice, or recommend a bespoke portfolio and help you manage it. Whatever choices you make, you should always bear in mind that investments go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount invested.
Why choose Evelyn Partners to manage your investments
At Evelyn Partners clients have been trusting us to manage investment portfolios on their behalf for more than 100 years. While the investment landscape and world we live in has changed substantially over this time, our approach remains unwavering.
When you choose Evelyn Partners, the investment advice you receive will be as individual as you. We’ll take the time to understand you and your needs, will draw on the breadth and depth of our expertise to provide the investment service that is right for you and will follow our established investment philosophy and process as we focus on growing and preserving your wealth to give you financial security now and in the future.
Looking for expert investment advice?
Speak to Evelyn Partners
Our team is on hand to help you with any investment requirements, and put you in touch with the right adviser to assist you further.
Investment expertise
Our investment managers are experts in their field. We work together, taking a collegiate approach, meaning you’ll benefit from extensive and combined knowledge across investments and portfolio construction.
Robust approach to managing investments
All our investment management services are underpinned by an established investment philosophy and process. Our focus is on preserving and growing your wealth and we do this by concentrating on a small number of guiding principles.
Track record as a responsible investor
We are responsible investors, incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors as well as financial considerations into portfolios. We seek to invest in those businesses operating in a responsible manner and use stewardship to engage with companies and vote on material shareholdings.
Evelyn Partners’ investment guiding principles
In an investment world that can be unpredictable, irrational and short term, we concentrate on a small number of guiding principles as we focus on preserving and growing the wealth of our clients.
How we manage money at Evelyn Partners
- We take considered risks
- We aim for steady growth in wealth over time
- We focus on the real value of capital
- We invest over a long time horizon
- We believe in proprietary research
How we help you achieve your investment objectives
- Understanding your needs
- Building your portfolio
- Responsible investment
- Managing your portfolio
Safe hands for your investments
At Evelyn Partners we never underestimate the responsibility placed on our shoulders when you trust us with your investments. We understand that everyone has a different attitude to investing and appetite for investment risk, which is why we always take the time to get to know you. We’ll tailor the risk and reward characteristics of your portfolio to your needs and preferences to help you feel confident about your investments.
Making investments accessible
Our investment management service enables you to delegate responsibility for managing your investments to Evelyn Partners or, if you’d still like to manage your own investments, to do this with help from a professional investment manager. Through this service, you’ll benefit from the expertise of skilled investment managers in building diversified investments portfolios to match specific objectives and attitudes to risk.
First-time investments
While we have clients who are experienced investors, many are new to investing when they first join Evelyn Partners. They may have come into an inheritance, sold a business or perhaps were previously married to someone who took responsibility for family finances.
We’re here to give you all the investment help you need in the way that works best for you. We’ll discuss your circumstance and objectives, explain your options, listen to your preferences and put together an investment strategy that is just right for you.
Schedule of interest rates
Find out more about our schedule of interest rates by downloading the document using the button.
Risk Profiles - Our comparator indices
The eight risk profiles we offer clients each have a different portfolio composition, constructed from the major investment asset classes of cash, bonds, alternatives and equities. These strategic asset allocations are based on long-term risk and return histories, and generate the building blocks for portfolios. From these strategic asset allocations our composite comparative indices are formed, which provide a guide to portfolio performance measurement.
GBP Indices
Find out more about our GBP indices by downloading the document using the button below.
EUR Indices
Find out more about our EUR indices by downloading the document using the button below.
USD Indices
Find out more about our USD indices by downloading the document using the button below.
Services for US-connected investors
Find out more about our services for US-connected investors.
Important information
The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
Frequently asked questions about investment management
What is investment management?
Investment management refers to the management of an investment portfolio by a professional investment manager on behalf of an individual, family or business. Through investment management, the aim of the investment manager is to achieve certain financial objectives that have been agreed with their clients. This could include growing investments in line with the client’s risk tolerance or managing a portfolio of responsible investments.
Why should I invest?
Investing is a way to grow your money over time to help you achieve your financial goals. If you choose your investments wisely, you can potentially grow your money more than you can if you leave it in a cash savings account. Investing can also outpace inflation. But investing does come with risks because investments can go down as well as up and you could lose all your money.
What should I invest in?
What you should invest in depends on a range of factors including your individual circumstances, your financial goals, how willing and able you are to take risks with your money and the length of time you have to invest. There are many investment options from high quality through to mediocre, poor and unregulated so seeking professional advice is wise and will help you make choices that are right for you.
Should I invest or save?
Investing versus saving is a common dilemma. The answer depends on your goals, time horizon and individual circumstances. Because investments go up and down in value, it’s not a good idea to invest for anything less than three years so if you have a short-term financial goal, for example saving for a holiday, cash is usually the right choice. But investing can grow your money significantly over the long term.
Is investing safe?
There are risks involved with making investments, so it can’t be said that investing is 100% safe. The level of risk involved varies between investments. When you invest you could lose some or all of your money, but investing is a very popular way to build wealth over time. As an example, when you contribute to a pension, you are investing.
How risky your investments are depends on what you choose to invest in and your overall investment strategy. A common way to reduce investment risks is to choose a range of investments.
Contact us to book an appointment
Our team is on hand to find out about your investment requirements and put you in touch with the right adviser to help.
Book an appointment
Please complete this form, and one of our experts will call you at a convenient time.
Investments and inflation
Register for our free webinar to hear us discuss the impact of recent inflation, our view of the markets and our investment outlook
Reference - 23104499
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This information is for UK residents only.
If you are a US-connected client of Evelyn Partners, see our US website.