Private client disputes

Most family lawyers will be familiar with how complex the valuation of a disputed business interest can be in divorce proceedings.

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Evelyn Partners Professional Services, soon to be S&W

The new face in the professional services world.

This is particularly the case where there is a disparity between the respective spouses’ knowledge and understanding of the financial issues at stake. Navigating this sensitive area requires accurate and transparent valuations that can be relied on in court.

It’s also important to work with a forensic accountant who understands pressures and deadlines – whether set by the court or the client’s circumstances – and is available when needed to answer any queries.

Our approach

  • Hands-on

  • Joined-up

  • Proportionate

How we can help

  • Valuations: working with family lawyers where business valuations are required, whether acting as a party-appointed expert or as single joint expert
  • Specialist advice: offering a range of expertise covering pensions, personal tax and trust accounting
  • Expert witness: giving evidence in court and arbitrations, and assisting in mediations or the collaborative process
  • Shadow expert: helping to interpret valuations prepared by third parties, drafting requests for additional explanations and answering any questions that might arise

Our credentials

  • Experience

  • Best practice

  • Thought leaders