Personal injury and clinical negligence

Minimising the time and cost involved in calculating losses in personal injury or clinical negligence claims can help achieve the best outcome for claimants.

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Evelyn Partners Professional Services, soon to be S&W

The new face in the professional services world.

Staying on top of a heavy caseload while analysing all the information required to manage a case effectively can be a tricky balancing act for personal injury and clinical negligence lawyers.

On-the-spot advice from a knowledgeable team that not only understands the personal injury and clinical negligence landscape but can also prepare reports and calculate losses to very tight deadlines can be a major benefit for lawyers and clients alike.

Our approach

  • Free assessment

  • Flexible solutions

  • Quick turnaround

  • Competitive fees

How we can help

  • Quantifying losses: quantifying losses in personal injury and clinical negligence claims, with particular focus on the calculation of loss of earnings and pensions
  • Training: offering free in-house training courses to help build lawyers’ understanding of loss calculations in personal injury and clinical negligence claims
  • Expert witness: acting as expert accountants, giving evidence in court if required

Our credentials

  • Experience

  • Thought leaders

Frequently asked questions

What is Personal Injury or Clinical Negligence

Personal Injury is any injury that has been incurred as a result of an accident that could result in a loss of earnings, pension or benefits to that individual.  This includes injuries that have been sustained in road traffic accidents.

Clinical Negligence was formerly known as Medical Negligence and relates to medical procedures that have been negligently performed, again resulting in a loss of earnings, pension or benefits to that individual.

Both of the above also include losses arising from the death of an individual, either as a result of injuries sustained in an accident or arising from a negligent medical procedure.  These are known as loss of dependency calculations.

What types of claims do we assist with?

Our calculations and/or reports normally cover the following claims:

  • Loss of Earnings and Benefits to an employed individual.  Due to proportionality, we normally only get involved in complex claims under this heading, such as where there is defined career progression (for example for local government employees, police, teachers, nurses or GPs).
  • Loss of Earnings to the self-employed individual.  Given the irregular trends in income of the self-employed, this calculation can be more complex and open to debate.  We will typically look at trends in historical earnings and industry data in assessing what could have happened, but for the accident/negligence.
  • Loss of Pension from Defined Benefit pension schemes, such as the Local Government, Police, Teachers’ and NHS pension schemes.  We also prepare calculations of losses from Defined Contribution pension schemes, although due to proportionality, such calculations will be accompanied by an explanatory letter of advice, rather than a full CPR compliant report.
  • Loss of Dependency claims, whereby an individual has died either in an accident or as a result of a negligent medical procedure and a loss of dependency calculation is required on behalf of the dependants of the deceased individual.

How can the Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence team within Evelyn Partners assist?

For personal injury and clinical negligence cases requiring a forensic accountant, we will make an assessment to ascertain whether it is appropriate to prepare calculations along with a letter of advice for use in negotiations, or produce a full CPR compliant report which can be used in court proceedings. We can provide estimates of costs and work to pre-agreed budgets and timetables, keeping those who instruct us fully aware of our progress throughout the course of each case.

We are happy to make an initial assessment of any claim and will only charge for this service if you then instruct us. If you don’t instruct us, we won’t charge you and will return your documentation.

How should I instruct a Forensic Accountant?

It is often useful to instruct us at the outset of a claim, so that we can assist in requesting and gathering the necessary information in order to assess the loss.  This can be done simply by sending an email to our experts with the case details and basic background information to the claim.

We can then assist you throughout the process to the case conclusion, either by settlement prior to trial, or by giving evidence at trial.