The headline measure in Chancellor’s spring Budget was the 2p cut in National Insurance contribution for both employees and the self-employed.
While plaudits for Jeremy Hunt’s fiscal statement might have been muted, it’s fair to assume that many workers will welcome the NI cut, which will save the average full-time employee on £35,000 more than £37 a month.[1]
Lucie Spencer, Financial Planning Director at wealth management firm Evelyn Partners, says: “That’s the same amount, for employees at least, as the last rise in take-home pay from the 2p cut to NI that was announced at the Autumn Statement and arrived in January.
“But canny savers can use this latest measure in a way that helps to beat the fiscal drag rise in income tax and turbo-charges their retirement savings – and all without sacrificing take-home pay.
“Given the cost of living pressures everyone has had to endure over the last couple of years, it will hardly be surprising if most earners gratefully pocketed that January cut and let it slide into the current account balance.
“Like London buses, after a long wait for a tax cut, a second NI reduction has arrived in short order – but many earners can be clever about how they use this one. Those whose general financial situation is in decent order – with unsecured debts clear and a cash savings buffer in place - could significantly increase their long-term wealth by simply paying it into their pension, leaving their take-home pay unchanged.
“Our figures show that a 25-year-old on the average employed salary of £35,000 could leave themselves nearly £80,000 better off by age 67 without actually sacrificing anything right now.”[2]
Spencer explains why this pension saving tactic is especially powerful at the moment:
“Taxpayers might be aware that frozen and falling income tax allowances and thresholds since 2022 mean that millions of earners are paying more in income tax - even though the rates have not changed - and this trend will continue until at least 2028. This effect will wipe out the gains from the NI cuts for many taxpayers in a year or two from now, meaning that the overall direct tax burden is on the up.
“One of the few ways to mitigate against rising income tax is to pay into a pension, because contributions benefit from tax relief at the earner’s marginal (or highest) rate of income tax. Depending on their pension system, the saver will either get basic rate tax automatically and reclaim the rest if they are a higher or additional rate taxpayer. Or they pay contributions out of gross income and get all tax relief automatically.
“Either way, the effect is much the same: you legitimately avoid paying income tax on a portion of your income while also boosting your pension pot. This is why when someone receives a pay rise, a financial adviser will quite often counsel them to put part or all of it into their pension.
“That might seem rather dry and unexciting to ‘pass up’ a pay rise, but it will actually make you better off in the long term, and what better time than when a second ‘pay rise’ has arrived hot on the heels of the last?
“The benefits are particularly significant for younger savers because increases to pension contributions early on in the retirement saving journey can have a profound effect on the eventual size of a pot thanks to the power of compounded returns.
“Hopefully the numbers that we have crunched will convince the sceptics.”
See Note 2 below – spreadsheet available on request.
Our figures assume that earners increase their monthly pension contribution by the amount they take-home is set to increase after the 2p Budget cut to NI. That is then boosted by pension tax relief and grows at an annual investment return of 5%.
Spencer says: “It’s quite compelling to think that even a 45 year-old on £40,000 stands to benefit by more than £27,500 without lifting a finger in terms of eating into their disposable income. A 35-year-old earning £60,000 could end up nearly £100,000 better off by age 67.
“That could equate either to retiring a few years earlier than planned or to a much more comfortable retirement than was ever envisaged.
“All an employee needs to do is to figure out how much their monthly take-home pay is set to increase by in April thanks to this latest 2p NI cut, then figure out – with the help of their HR department or pension provider – what adjustment they need to make to their contribution rate so that that amount goes into their pension. The net pay landing in their bank account each month – which was already given a boost by the same amount in January - can then remain unchanged. Through this increase, they may also benefit from increased contributions from their employer, therefore further increasing their pension fund.
“This reflects a net pay scheme, where employees pay contributions gross of income tax. However, the principle extends to anyone paying into a pension.”
[1] NIC savings - going into pension as employee contribution:
£20,000 £149
£30,000 £349
£35,000 £449
£40,000 £549
£50,000 £749
£60,000 £754
£80,000 £754
£100,000 £754
£150,000 £754