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Christopher Savage Personal tax
Associate Director

Christopher Savage

Personal tax

Areas of expertise

Agricultural and land-based industries; Capital gains tax (CGT); Inheritance capital taxes (IHT); tax efficient structures including the use of corporates.


Chris has worked at Evelyn Partners (previously Smith & Williamson) for 20 years in both accounts and audit, company secretarial and tax departments focusing on UK agricultural and equine businesses. He has advised on corporation tax, partnerships, individuals and trusts.

His expertise lies in tax efficient structures including family succession planning.

Notable client work and achievements

Involvement in settling disputes with HMRC involving commerciality of agricultural entities, venture capital investment and the taxation of individuals.

Succession planning including utilising reliefs and tax efficient structures to minimise IHT payable for family farm.

Professional qualifications and memberships

Member of the Association of Tax Technicians

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