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Annabel Kerley Partner, Head of Fraud and Financial Crime
Partner, Head of Fraud and Financial Crime

Annabel Kerley

Forensic services

Areas of expertise

Annabel is Head of Fraud and Financial Crime at Evelyn Partners.  She has over 20 years’ experience as a forensic accountant and investigator.  She acts for both claimants and defendants in civil, criminal and regulatory matters involving allegations of fraud, bribery and corruption.
During her career Annabel has helped clients across multiple sectors (including Financial Services, Retail, Healthcare and Technology & Media) navigate high-stakes investigations into complex multi-million cross-border fraud, bribery and corruption cases.
These investigations have involved asset misappropriation, employee misconduct, financial misstatement, sanctions breaches, market abuse and misleading statements in civil, regulatory and criminal contexts and in multiple jurisdictions.
In addition, Annabel has extensive experience of private prosecutions, including acting as an expert witness in the Criminal Court, and is currently Chair of the Private Prosecutors’ Association.
She also has extensive experience in DPA Monitorships having led the Compliance and Anti-Financial Crime workstreams for the Department of Justice / SEC-appointed Monitor to a global bank subject to a Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Annabel regularly publishes thought leadership and speaks at conferences, to law firms and regulators, on fraud investigation, asset-tracing and whistleblowing.


Corporate fraud investigations; asset tracing; bribery and corruption investigations; criminal defence; Proceeds of Crime Act; regulatory investigations; private prosecutions; sanctions; anti-bribery & corruption; DPA Monitorships

Notable client work and achievements

Instructed by the legal counsel to a sovereign state to investigate allegations concerning a multi-million dollar fraud stretching back 30 years.
Led large-scale investigation into alleged breaches of Regulatory Sanctions by the UK operations of a Middle Eastern Bank providing Trade Finance. 
In a global asset tracing case, scrutinised banking and accounting data to identify assets recoverable from a $65 billion Ponzi scheme. 
When working for the FCA, Annabel was the lead investigator into a complex, international insider dealing ring.

Professional qualifications/memberships

Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales
Graduate Diploma in Law
Chair of the Private Prosecutors’ Association
Advisory Panel Member of the Association of Corporate Investigators
Secretary of the London Chapter of the Women in White Collar Defence Association

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