Complaints - landlords, tenants and leaseholders
Handling informal complaints
It is accepted most complaints will be made informally to front-line members of staff and will be resolved at this stage without the need for further action. Also, if we receive a complaint from you and we feel it is appropriate in the circumstances, we may telephone you to try to resolve the matter immediately.
How do I make a formal complaint?
If your complaint is not resolved informally, and you feel you need to take the matter further and raise a formal complaint, please write to the address below setting out your concerns together with copies of any documentation which will help us to investigate.
Evelyn Partners
Group General Counsel
45 Gresham Street
Telephone: 020 7131 4000
Your complaint correspondence will be acknowledged within five working days of receipt.
It is our objective to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, and the appropriate management team will work to address your concerns, the matters raised and, where necessary, offer appropriate resolution.
To allow time for our investigation of the complaint, we will aim to provide a response within 15 working days of the initial acknowledgement of your complaint.
Decision review
In the event you feel the matter needs to be taken further then, upon your request, the complaint will proceed to review. An Evelyn Partners director not previously involved with the complaint will review your complaint and provide the final viewpoint and offer of any further action as necessary.
We will aim to provide a response within 15 working days.
Property Redress Scheme
If you are still not satisfied following the review stage, you can refer your complaint to the Property Redress Scheme, whose contact details are:
The Property Redress Scheme
Premiere House, 1st Floor
Elstree Way
Telephone: 0333 321 9418