If you are an importer of sanitary & phytosanitary goods, and this is the first you are hearing of these changes, now is the time to act. You should consider the steps below to ensure you are prepared for SPS checks:
- Assess which of your products require an Export Health Certificate
- Communicate with any suppliers you may have in the EU and assess their readiness levels regarding the provision of Export Health Certificates
- Ensure that your customs broker is aware of the requirements and full instructions for your goods. SPS goods and the shipment data will need to be pre-lodged in DEFRA’s import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) from 1st February 2024
- Ensure your logistics or freight agent is aware of the requirements for Border Control Post checks if prompted.
Businesses that have been exporting goods from the UK to the EU or importing from countries outside of the EU will be used to providing this data for S&S declarations, but businesses who only import will be required to provide new information on 1st November next year.
If you wish to discuss any of the topics covered in this summary of the forthcoming changes to the UK’s border strategy or would benefit from expert advice on your supply chain as a result of these changes, please get in touch with your usual Evelyn Partners contact. Otherwise, you can contact Louis Miles-Stringer: louis.miles-stringer@evelyn.com.
Approval code: NTEH7122365