The pension relief and BR and AR have allowed many people to limit or avoid IHT by maximising the proportion of their assets in pensions, private businesses or agricultural property. When these new proposals become law, there are many who will face an IHT liability where they didn’t before, or their existing tax bill could become much larger.
As a result, it is likely that strategies, such as income planning, need to change, and you might have to consider things like larger gifting, or the use of trusts for the first time.
These aren’t necessarily easy decisions to make. Gifting and the use of trusts could involve giving up control over some of your assets and bring into play family dynamics over ‘who gets what’.
Working with a financial planner can help you to gain clarity over the options you have and give you the time you need to consider the benefits, and drawbacks, of different strategies. I work closely with my clients on their cashflow modelling forecast, looking at the financial impact of different strategies and choices to help them visualise their potential outcomes.
Combined with detailed discussions on the emotive side of money (which we all know can be significant), the earlier you start, the more informed your choices can be. The important thing is not to make an immediate decision but also knowing that avoiding the issue until the legislation comes into effect could limit your options.
For example, the ‘gifts out of surplus income’ exemption can be a powerful tool to reduce IHT over time, but HMRC needs to see a consistent, long-term pattern for it to be an allowable relief.