Don’t get hit by the pension lifetime allowance

As of 6 April 2024, the lifetime allowance (LTA) was abolished and has been replaced by three different allowances; the lump sum allowance, the lump sum and death benefit allowance and the overseas transfer allowance.

Woman around retirement age sitting on sofa
Published: 18 Jul 2022 Updated: 08 May 2024

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Download your free guide to the lifetime allowance

This guide covers:

  • The amount you can save in your pension before you’re hit by this charge
  • The different ways to protect your pension lifetime allowance
  • The tax you’ll pay if you exceed the lifetime allowance
  • How Evelyn Partners can help you manage the lifetime allowance

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We can help you manage the pension lifetime allowance

What is the pension lifetime allowance?

The lifetime allowance is the amount you can hold in all of your pensions over your lifetime. It is currently set at £1.0731 million. It used to be £1.25 million but was reduced, which is why more and more people are caught out by it.

Why choose Evelyn Partners?

  • We’re experts in pension planning with a nationwide team of qualified and experienced advisers
  • Clients have trusted us to help them with their financial plans for 186 years
  • We look after more than £55 billion on behalf of our clients

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Investment does involve risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up. The investor may not receive back, in total, the original amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Rates of tax are those prevailing at the time and are subject to change without notice. Clients should always seek appropriate advice from their financial adviser before committing funds for investment. When investments are made in overseas securities, movements in exchange rates may have an effect on the value of that investment. The effect may be favourable or unfavourable.