Exiting Your Business WEB 1920X1080 (1)

Business Exit: Post-exit planning for business owners

This webinar will explore the types of wealth management strategies and structures that are commonly used by founders once they have sold their business.

• Strategies commonly used by entrepreneurs
• Investment structures for founders
• Building a portfolio, asset allocation, risk reduction


Luke Brooks (1)
Managing Partner

Luke Brooks

Financial planning

Luke has specialised in providing private client advice since 2002 and joined Evelyn Partners, then Smith & Williamson, in 2005. His experience encompasses advising business founders and owners, C-suite directors, partners of accountancy and law firms, and investment professionals.

He also provides specialist advice on the structure of investment strategies for the Court of Protection and personal injury trusts.

Nick Travis Investment management
Partner, Head of Entrepreneurs, Investment management

Nick Travis


Nick assists a broad range of clients in structuring their long-term financial plans and discretionary portfolios.

He works closely with tax and financial planning professionals to ensure that all elements of a client’s wealth (often including their businesses) are considered.

Nick’s client base is broad and includes entrepreneurs, angel investors, NEDs, C-Suite Directors, and charities. Nick is particularly focused on supporting business owners in structuring their personal financial affairs while they grow and eventually exit their businesses.

Important information

The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

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Time & Location

12:00 - 13:00 GMT

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