Investment management in Ireland
Bespoke investment portfolios to achieve your objectives
Whether your aim is to grow your capital, generate an income or to protect your assets against inflation, Evelyn Partners in Ireland can help.
Our experienced investment management team will work with you to understand your objectives before building a bespoke, diversified portfolio to help achieve them. Through this service, you can delegate responsibility for the management of your investments to your own dedicated investment manager. This gives you the peace of mind that your investment portfolio is being managed on your behalf within agreed parameters that match your objectives.
Why choose Evelyn Partners in Ireland as your investment manager?
A bespoke portfolio
We take the time to get to know you and fully understand your priorities and attitude to risk before building a portfolio unique to you. Your investment manager will help define your objectives, considering your current, short-term, and long-term requirements. We will construct a portfolio to suit your current needs but recognise that circumstances can change and maintain the necessary flexibility to reflect this.
A personal service
You’ll have direct access to your investment manager and the team who help manage your portfolio. We’ll also engage with you on a regular basis to review how your investments are performing and to report progress made towards your goals. You will also receive detailed statements with performance data and commentary.
Expertise in managing investments
Our investment managers in Ireland have extensive experience complemented by local knowledge and expertise in managing investments for Irish and EU residents. They are further supported by the skills of our research and asset allocation teams across our group. This means you will benefit from our wide body of experience and our established approach to managing investments.
A strong track record as a responsible investor
As well as financial considerations, environmental, social and governance factors are important to us when building portfolios. We have a history as a responsible investor, seeking out those businesses that operate in a responsible manner and we are also active investors, using stewardship to engage.
Book an appointment with an investment manager
To find out more about how we can help you, please contact
Shane O’Reilly
Evelyn Partners Investment Management (Europe) Limited
T: +353 1 500 6500
Investor Compensation Scheme
Evelyn Partners Investment Management (Europe) Limited (“EPE”) is a participant in the Investor Compensation Scheme (“ICS”)
You have the right to make a claim for compensation to the ICS if you are an "eligible client" and if EPE goes out of business. Compensation is available for certain investments only and is limited to 90% of the amount of the loss, subject to a maximum payment of €20,000. For further information on the Investor Compensation Scheme, please refer to its website (
The value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
Evelyn Partners Investment Management (Europe) Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered in Ireland at Alexandra House, 3 Ballsbridge Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 C7H2. Reg No. 637154