Pension Changes Web Hero 1920X1080 Mar 23 To
Pension Rule Changes Mar 23 WEB THUMBNAIL

The new pension rules are not straight forward

10 changes you need to be aware of now

One of the key take outs from the March 2023 Budget was the Chancellor’s announcement that he was removing the pension lifetime allowance charge and increasing the pension annual allowance to £60,000. Find out what this means in real terms, how it could impact
your retirement savings and income, and why now more than ever you should speak to us about your pension.

Over £250k in assets? Download this factsheet to:

  • Find out if you could be affected by the changes to pension legislation
  • Read about the top 10 changes to pension rules
  • See if taking early retirement could be an option for you following the removal of the pension lifetime allowance charge

Life is full of decisions and choices that shape our future. Making great decisions requires as much certainty as possible – the kind of certainty that comes from good advice.

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Great pension plans are powered by good advice.

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